New Students in Environmental Microbiology

We welcome Anna Beretta, Leona Tauchmann and Joaquim Barmaz.

We warmly welcome three new students to the Environmental Microbiology Group.

Anna Beretta has started her bachelor thesis. She's examining methanogenic archaea that can form aggregates, and is investigating which environmental factors trigger this aggregation.

Joaquim Barmaz is doing a three month semester project. He's working on prophages in acetogenic bacteria and wants to find out under which conditions these prophages are expressed an if they can be induced in the lab.

Leona Tauchmann started her master thesis in Environmental Microbiology. She studies the acetogen Moorella thermoacetica and wants to find out if it reduces selenite. The goal is to investigate the molecular principles and provide a foundation for developing bioremediation strategies utilizing acetogens.

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